speedtest-cli が crontab で動作しなくて困る

インターネット速度計測サイトのSpeedtest.net というサイトがあります.


このサービスをcli で実行できるPython製 speedtest-cli というApache 2.0ライセンスのサードパーティのツールがあります.Debianだとパッケージもあるので導入も簡単です.

$ sudo apt install speedtest-cli
$ speedtest-cli -h
usage: speedtest-cli [-h] [--no-download] [--no-upload] [--single] [--bytes] [--share] [--simple] [--csv] [--csv-delimiter CSV_DELIMITER]
                     [--csv-header] [--json] [--list] [--server SERVER] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--mini MINI] [--source SOURCE] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                     [--secure] [--no-pre-allocate] [--version]

Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-download         Do not perform download test
  --no-upload           Do not perform upload test
  --single              Only use a single connection instead of multiple. This simulates a typical file transfer.
  --bytes               Display values in bytes instead of bits. Does not affect the image generated by --share, nor output from --json or
  --share               Generate and provide a URL to the speedtest.net share results image, not displayed with --csv
  --simple              Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
  --csv                 Suppress verbose output, only show basic information in CSV format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not affected by --bytes
  --csv-delimiter CSV_DELIMITER
                        Single character delimiter to use in CSV output. Default ","
  --csv-header          Print CSV headers
  --json                Suppress verbose output, only show basic information in JSON format. Speeds listed in bit/s and not affected by --bytes
  --list                Display a list of speedtest.net servers sorted by distance
  --server SERVER       Specify a server ID to test against. Can be supplied multiple times
  --exclude EXCLUDE     Exclude a server from selection. Can be supplied multiple times
  --mini MINI           URL of the Speedtest Mini server
  --source SOURCE       Source IP address to bind to
  --timeout TIMEOUT     HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10
  --secure              Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with speedtest.net operated servers
  --no-pre-allocate     Do not pre allocate upload data. Pre allocation is enabled by default to improve upload performance. To support systems
                        with insufficient memory, use this option to avoid a MemoryError
  --version             Show the version number and exit


$ speedtest-cli (1)
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Testing from freebit (
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by OpenGW (Shizuoka) [64.23 km]: 82.301 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 1.51 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 0.95 Mbit/s
$ speedtest-cli --simple (2)
Ping: 68.211 ms
Download: 8.11 Mbit/s
Upload: 0.84 Mbit/s
$ speedtest-cli --list | grep -i japan | grep -Ei 'kagoshima|miyazaki|kumamoto|ooita|fukuoka|saga|hitoyoshi' (3)
 8407) Allied Telesis Capital Corporation (Sagamihara, Japan) [175.03 km]
35106) yoshis.jp (KDDI-NET) (Fukuoka, Japan) [687.23 km]
38134) NousagiNetwork(@_0rze) (Fukuoka, Japan) [687.23 km]
38947) Rikimoto (Fukuoka, Japan) [687.23 km]
18709) extride inc (Hitoyoshi, Japan) [705.48 km]
$ speedtest-cli --simple --server 18709 (4)
Ping: 122.31 ms
Download: 6.01 Mbit/s
Upload: 0.81 Mbit/s
$ speedtest-cli --csv-header (5)
Server ID,Sponsor,Server Name,Timestamp,Distance,Ping,Download,Upload,Share,IP Address
$ speedtest-cli --csv (6)
42842,Mamireimu Net Work's,Nara,2021-06-23T09:15:44.814808Z,177.32698372902544,86.096,8215354.331324884,1350756.2707027544,,
$ speedtest-cli --json | jq . (7)
  "download": 7961762.454176666,
  "upload": 1054738.8634894243,
  "ping": 73.207,
  "server": {
    "url": "http://speedtestooklaserverjapannagoyashizuoka.baobivawpvojawvianoipwqnpibvbqoubwuvbqasciboabowbcacacwcqcqx001.bar:8080/speedtest/upload.php",
    "lat": "34.9756",
    "lon": "138.3827",
    "name": "Shizuoka",
    "country": "Japan",
    "cc": "JP",
    "sponsor": "OpenGW",
    "id": "42413",
    "host": "speedtestooklaserverjapannagoyashizuoka.baobivawpvojawvianoipwqnpibvbqoubwuvbqasciboabowbcacacwcqcqx001.bar:8080",
    "d": 64.2282382602239,
    "latency": 73.207
  "timestamp": "2021-06-23T09:19:28.880310Z",
  "bytes_sent": 1515520,
  "bytes_received": 10101900,
  "share": null,
  "client": {
    "ip": "",
    "lat": "34.733",
    "lon": "137.7439",
    "isp": "freebit",
    "isprating": "3.7",
    "rating": "0",
    "ispdlavg": "0",
    "ispulavg": "0",
    "loggedin": "0",
    "country": "JP"
  1. 既定値で実行すると自分のipアドレスのgeoipで近いサーバにpingを打って近そうなサーバを探して速度テストする.(物理的には鹿児島だけどgeoipでは静岡扱いなのでその周りが使われる)
  2. シンプルな表示
  3. 物理的に近そうな九州内のサーバを探す
  4. 物理的に一番近いサーバを指定
  5. csvヘッダを表示(計測はしない)
  6. csv形式で出力
  7. json形式で出力(して jq で整形)


crontabに */30 * * * * speedtest-cli --csv >> ~/log/speedtest.csv を設定して30分毎に速度テストをして ~/log/speedtest.csv に書き出してみます.

$ mkdir ~/log (1)
$ speedtest-cli --csv-header > ~/log/speedtest.csv (2)
$ crontab -e (3)
$ crontab -l | grep speedtest-cli (4)
*/30 * * * *    speedtest-cli --csv >> ~/log/speedtest.csv
  1. ログ格納ディレクトリ作成
  2. csvヘッダをログファイルに書き込み
  3. crontab -e で以下の行を追加
  4. crontabに登録されているのを確認

しかし,手動で実行時には失敗した頃がないのにcrontab 経由だとほぼ全てが失敗します.まれに成功することもありますが,10回に1回も成功しません.


ERROR: Unable to connect to servers to test latency.

crontabでだけエラーとなるので,コマンドをshell script fileにしてそれを呼ぶようにしたり,リダイレクト方法を変更してみたり,sourceを見るとサーバリストの取得に失敗しているようなのでサーバを指定するようにしてみたけどサーバを指定してもサーバリストを取得するので意味がなかったりということを試していました.


$ crontab -l | grep speedtest-cli (1)
6,36 * * * *    speedtest-cli --csv >> ~/log/speedtest.csv


$ speedtest-cli
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Testing from freebit (
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
ERROR: Unable to connect to servers to test latency.


実はSpeedTest公式のCLI ツールもありこれだと今回の問題は起こらないようです.
バイナリしか提供されていませんが,macOS/Windows/Linux/FreeBSD版が提供されていて,Linuxはi386, x86_64, armlf, armhf, arm64 が提供されています.

こちらを使うと毎0分,30分に実行しても動作しました. csv, tsv, json, jsonl, json-pretty` での出力に対応しているしこちらを使うのもありかもしれません.ただsourceも無いし2019年のリリースからバージョンが上がっていないのでメンテされているのかちょっと不安です.

$ dpkg-query -W speedtest-cli
speedtest-cli   2.1.3-2
$ lsb_release -dr
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release:        11
$ arch

One thought to “speedtest-cli が crontab で動作しなくて困る”

  1. Hello from the US!

    I had the same problem. What I did was to create a shell script that I execute with setting bash as shell and changing the working directory. Since then it seems to work.

    This is a non-production setup, so some security is lacking e.g. executing a shell script in the root directory.

    Crontab entry:
    10 9,10,11,12,13 * * * cd /root/ ; /root/speedtest.sh

    Actually Shell script speedtest.sh:
    /usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli 2>&1 | /usr/sbin/ssmtp -vvv my-email@address &> /tmp/speedtest-status-msg.txt

    I hope this helps. I am still testing but the first set of tests looked promising.


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