cowsay では -f
オプションで色々な COW を選択できます,
% cowsay -f suse The openSUSE is not OpenSUSE
< The openSUSE is not OpenSUSE >
/@ ~-.
\/ __ .- |
// // @
% cowsay -f duck ga~~~
< ga~~~ >
\ >()_
(__)__ _
この COW のリストは -l
% cowsay -l
Cow files in /usr/share/cowsay/cows:
apt beavis.zen bong bud-frogs bunny calvin cheese cock cower daemon default
dragon dragon-and-cow duck elephant elephant-in-snake eyes flaming-sheep
ghostbusters gnu head-in hellokitty kiss kitty koala kosh luke-koala
mech-and-cow meow milk moofasa moose mutilated pony pony-smaller ren sheep
skeleton snowman sodomized-sheep stegosaurus stimpy suse three-eyes turkey
turtle tux unipony unipony-smaller vader vader-koala www
ということでこんな感じで script を用意して,
COWS=( `cowsay -l | grep -v ^Cow | cut -f1-` )
cowsay -f ${COWS[$((RANDOM%${#COWS[@]}))]} $@
% cowsay-random.bash hello!
< hello! >
\ .
___ //
( Y )K/
% cowsay-random.bash hello!
< hello! >
/\/( /(__)
| W----|| |~|
|| || |~| ~~
|~| ~
|_| o
fortune と繋いでみたり
% fortune /usr/share/games/fortunes | cowsay-random.bash -n
/ Putt's Law: \
| Technology is dominated by two types of people: |
| Those who understand what they do not manage. |
\ Those who manage what they do not understand. /
\ ^ /^
\ / \ // \
\ |\___/| / \// .\
\ /O O \__ / // | \ \ *----*
/ / \/_/ // | \ \ \ |
@___@` \/_ // | \ \ \/\ \
0/0/| \/_ // | \ \ \ \
0/0/0/0/| \/// | \ \ | |
0/0/0/0/0/_|_ / ( // | \ _\ | /
0/0/0/0/0/0/`/,_ _ _/ ) ; -. | _ _\.-~ / /
,-} _ *-.|.-~-. .~ ~
\ \__/ `/\ / ~-. _ .-~ /
\____(oo) *. } { /
( (--) .----~-.\ \-` .~
//__\\ \__ Ack! ///.----..< \ _ -~
// \\ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _{^ - - - - ~
login 時などに表示すると楽しいかもしれません.
One thought to “cowsay の COW をランダムに”