
アーカイブが壊れている場合 -F でどうにかなりそう?

$ zip -l data-download-1.zip
		zip warning: missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did you
		zip warning: remember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)
		zip warning: (if you are trying to read a damaged archive try -F)

zip error: Zip file structure invalid (data-download-1.zip)

-F では駄目で -FF を試してみる

$ zip -F data-download-1.zip --out data-download-1_fix.zip
Fix archive (-F) - assume mostly intact archive
		zip warning: bad archive - missing end signature
		zip warning: (If downloaded, was binary mode used?  If not, the
		zip warning:  archive may be scrambled and not recoverable)
		zip warning: Can't use -F to fix (try -FF)

zip error: Zip file structure invalid (data-download-1.zip)

-FF である程度救える感じ

$ zip -FF data-download-1.zip --out data-download-1_fix.zip
Fix archive (-FF) - salvage what can
		zip warning: Missing end (EOCDR) signature - either this archive
					 is not readable or the end is damaged
Is this a single-disk archive?  (y/n): y
  Assuming single-disk archive
Scanning for entries...
 copying: img_20140426_180357_13952989767_o.jpg  (1935629 bytes)
 copying: img_20140723_180327_14575993850_o.jpg  (2639807 bytes)
 copying: img_20140723_180323_14576035839_o.jpg  (3302817 bytes)
 copying: img_20140723_180400_14576043890_o.jpg  (3611376 bytes)
 copying: imgp1491_15854514735_o.jpg
		zip warning: no end of stream entry found: imgp1491_15854514735_o.jpg
		zip warning: rewinding and scanning for later entries



$ dpkg-query -W zip tar afio
tar     1.30+dfsg-2
zip     3.0-11+b1
$ lsb_release -d
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid)
$ uname -m


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