$ ~/go/bin/skicka help [45/2151]
skicka is a tool for working with files and folders on Google Drive.
See http://github.com/google/skicka/README.md for information about getting started.
usage: skicka [common options] <command> [command options]
Commands and their options are:
cat Print the contents of the Google Drive file to standard output.
Arguments: drive_path ...
download Recursively download either a single file, or all files from a
Google Drive folder to a local directory. If the corresponding
local file already exists and has the same contents as the its
Google Drive file, the download is skipped.
Arguments: [-ignore-times] [-download-google-apps-files]
drive_path local_path
df Prints the total space used and amount of available space on
Google Drive.
du Print the space used by the Google Drive folder and its children.
Arguments: [drive_path ...]
fsck [EXPERIMENTAL/NEW] Use at your own risk.
Perform a number of consistency checks on files stored in Google
Drive, including verifying metadata and removing duplicate files
with the same name.
Arguments: [--trash-duplicates] [drive_path]
help Print this help text.
genkey Generate a new key for encrypting files.
init Create an initial ~/.skicka.config configuration file. (You
will need to edit it before using skicka; see comments in the
configuration file for details.)
ls List the files and directories in the given Google Drive folder. [8/2151]
Arguments: [-d, -l, -ll, -r] [drive_path ...],
where -l and -ll specify long (including sizes and update
times) and really long output (also including MD5 checksums),
respectively. The -r argument causes ls to recursively list
all files in the hierarchy rooted at the base directory, and
-d causes directories specified on the command line to be
listed as files (i.e., their contents aren't listed.)
mkdir Create a new directory (folder) at the given Google Drive path.
Arguments: [-p] drive_path ...,
where intermediate directories in the path are created if -p is
rm Remove a file or directory at the given Google Drive path.
Arguments: [-r, -s] drive_path ...,
where files and directories are recursively removed if -r is
specified and the google drive trash is skipped if -s is
specified. The default behavior is to fail if the drive path
specified is a directory and -r is not specified, and to send
files to the trash instead of permanently deleting them.
upload Uploads all files in the local directory and its children to the
given Google Drive path. Skips files that have already been
Arguments: [-ignore-times] [-encrypt] [-follow-symlinks <maxdepth>]
local_path drive_path
Options valid for both "upload" and "download":
-dry-run Don't actually upload or download, but print the paths of
all files that would be transferred.
-ignore-times Normally, skicka assumes that if the timestamp of a local
file matches the timestamp of the file on Drive and the
files have the same size, then it isn't necessary to
confirm that the file contents match. The -ignore-times
flag can be used to force checking file contents in this
General options valid for all commands:
-config <filename> General skicka configuration file. Default: ~/.skicka.config.
-debug Enable debugging output.
-dump-http Dump http traffic.
-metadata-cache-file <filename>
File to store metadata about Google Drive contents.
Default: ~/.skicka.metadata.cache
-no-browser-auth Disables attempting to open the authorization URL in a web
browser when initially authorizing skicka to access Google Drive.
-quiet Suppress non-error messages.
-tokencache <filename> OAuth2 token cache file. Default: ~/.skicka.tokencache.json.
-verbose Enable verbose output.