Debian unstableのaptでftp, rsh, sshメソッドが削除

Debian sidでパッケージ更新をすると新しいaptがやってきました.そしてapt-listchangesで気になる記述が表示されました.

$ zcat /usr/share/doc/apt/NEWS.Debian.gz | head
apt (2.9.11) unstable; urgency=medium

  The ftp, rsh, and ssh methods have been removed. They have been unsupported
  and disabled since 1.8. Please, migrate to http(s) instead, or contribute
  an sftp method.

  If you need ad hoc access to a remote repository, you can usually run
  `python3 -m http.server` on that machine and use SSH port forwarding to
  run HTTP over SSH.

ftp, rsh, sshメソッドが削除されたようです.
