Nostr の Vanity address を掘る

Nostr という分散型SNSのプロトコルがあって最近良く見かけます.


このプログラムはbech32で表現される公開鍵の npub1 の後ろの文字列を任意の文字列から始まるものにしたいというvanity アドレスを彫りたい人向けのものです.


cargo insrtall で導入できるはずですが,手元のDebian bookworm testing amd64 環境ではrustc が 1.63 に対してrana は 1.64.0 以上が必要だということで古くて失敗しました.

$ cargo install rana
    Updating index
  Installing rana v0.5.1
  Downloaded is-terminal v0.4.4
  Downloaded clap_lex v0.3.2
  Downloaded syn v1.0.109
  Downloaded bip39 v1.2.0
  Downloaded 4 crates (346.5 KB) in 2.86s
error: failed to compile `rana v0.5.1`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installvCF9z2`

Caused by:
  package `clap_derive v4.1.0` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.64.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.63.0
  Try re-running cargo install with `--locked`
$ dpkg-query -W rustc
rustc   1.63.0+dfsg1-2

Rust Forge で新しいStable(1.67.1)を貰ってきて使おうかとも思いましたが,インストーラーを叩く形で環境が汚れそうで少し面倒そう.

Docker を使うことにします.

公式イメージだけあって最新の 1.67.1 です.rana もさくっと動きました.

$ script ./nostr_vanity.log
$ docker run --rm -it rust
# rustc --version
rustc 1.67.1 (d5a82bbd2 2023-02-07)
# adduser matoken
# su - matoken
$ export PATH=/usr/local/cargo/bin:$PATH
$ rustup default stable
$ cargo install rana
$ rana --help
Rana 🐸

      o  o
     ( -- )
  /\( ,   ,)/\
^^   ^^  ^^   ^^

A simple CLI to generate nostr vanity addresses

Francisco Calderón <>

Usage: rana [OPTIONS]

  -d, --difficulty <DIFFICULTY>
          Enter the number of starting bits that should be 0. [default: 0]
  -v, --vanity <VANITY_PREFIX>
          Enter the prefix your public key should have when expressed
          as hexadecimal. [default: ]
  -n, --vanity-n-prefix <VANITY_NPUB_PREFIXES_RAW_INPUT>
          Enter the prefix your public key should have when expressed
          in npub format (Bech32 encoding). Specify multiple vanity
          targets as a comma-separated list. [default: ]
  -s, --vanity-n-suffix <VANITY_NPUB_SUFFIXES_RAW_INPUT>
          Enter the suffix your public key should have when expressed
          in npub format (Bech32 encoding). Specify multiple vanity
          targets as a comma-separated list. [default: ]
  -c, --cores <NUM_CORES>
          Number of processor cores to use [default: 4]
  -r, --restore <MNEMONIC>
          Restore from mnemonic to public private key [default: ]
  -g, --generate <WORD_COUNT>
          Generate mnemonic using wordcount. Should be 12,18 or 24 [default: 0]
  -p, --passphrase <MNEMONIC_PASSPHRASE>
          Passphrase used for restoring mnemonic to keypair [default: ]
  -q, --qr
          Print QR code of the private key
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

why can’t we use characters b, i, o, or 1?
the characters have to be in the bech32 character set.

— nostrogen

公開鍵は Bech32 形式で 023456789acdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz が利用できます.以下は Bech32 で使えない o を使って怒られた例です.

$ rana --vanity-n-prefix matok
thread 'main' panicked at 'The vanity npub prefix can only contain characters supported by Bech32: 023456789acdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz', /usr/local/cargo/registry/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


$ rana --vanity-n-prefix mat0k | tee rana.log
Started mining process for vanity bech32 prefix[es]: 'npub1["mat0k"]' (estimated pow: 20)
Benchmarking of cores disabled for vanity npub key upon proper calculation.
Mining using 4 cores...


how fast will nostrogen find my addresses?
this depends entirely upon how fast your machine is, but here are some rough estimates for a modern laptop or mobile phone:

1 character = usually less than a 0.1 seconds
2 characters = usually less than a 1 second
3 characters = usually less than a 30 seconds
4 characters = usually less than a 10 minutes
5 characters = usually less than a 1 hour
6+ characters = keep fire extinguisher handy

— nostrogen

以下のような感じで結果が表示されます.Npub public key の npub1の後ろが指定したmat0kから始まっています.

$ rana --vanity-n-prefix mat0k | tee rana.log
Started mining process for vanity bech32 prefix[es]: 'npub1["mat0k"]' (estimated pow: 20)
Benchmarking of cores disabled for vanity npub key upon proper calculation.
Mining using 4 cores...
Vanity npub found:         mat0k
Found matching Nostr public key:
Hex public key:   df56fb6cce5a60eac0a55b09ff6d5fbb565b07da6f64a2578ae827d70a21873b
Hex private key:  7a1a088022c3110fabc445af28681c0d2c349a2123f38fe83fbc809d7c8ed6bb
Npub public key:  npub1mat0kmxwtfsw4s99tvyl7m2lhdt9kp76daj2y4u2aqnawz3psuass9qwnz
Nsec private key: nsec10gdq3qpzcvgsl27ygkhjs6qup5krfx3py0ecl6plhjqf6lyw66as4gyfat
26169409 iterations (about 2x10^7 hashes) in 3199 seconds. Avg rate 8180 hashes/second

手元の,NotePCの Intel® Core™ i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz と Oeracle Free Tier VPS Arm Ampere A1 共に8000〜8200 hashes/secod という感じでした.

3日ほど走らせて mak0 から始まるものたくさん,mat0ke から始まるものが2つ出てきました. cpu fan うるさいしmat0ken は諦めてこの辺にしとこうかな?

Npub public key: npub1mat0kejpylctwszs3h0jcaw24vsmzvx0h44hl2qf3ghuz2ggekjqkwyeq5

そういえば以前はTor の Vanity address も掘っていました…….

One thought to “Nostr の Vanity address を掘る”


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